Back to the Future Part III

It's Emmett, Clara.
Emmett, won't you come in?
No, I better not. I...
What's wrong?
I've come to say good-bye.
Good-bye? Where are you going?
I'm going away.
I'm afraid I'll never see you again.
Clara, I want you to know
that I care about you deeply.

But I've realized that I don't belong here,
and I have to go back where I came from.

Where might that be?
I can't tell you.
Then wherever you're going, take me with you.
I can't, Clara.
I wish it didn't have to be this way...
...but believe me when I tell you
that I'll never forget you...

...and that I love you.
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
I don't think there's any way
that you can understand it.

Please, I have to know.
If you sincerely do love me,
then tell me the truth.

All right then.
I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine
that I invented...

...and tomorrow I have to go back
to the year 1985.

Yes, Emmett.
I do understand.
I understand that because you know
I'm partial to the writings of Jules Verne...

:10:56 concocted those mendacities
in order to take advantage of me.
