Crazy People

We don't know much about it.
I want to get you out of here.

- No.
- What do you mean?

- What? I need rest.
- I'll get you rest.

I'll get you 24-hour care. Friendly
women will come to your house.

I appreciate the kind
and Christian offer, but no, thanks.

You didn't even want to come here!
The staff is friendly.
Mental health is so important.

There's huge money at stake.
Huge amounts!

Trucks will come to your house
and drop piles of cash on your porch.

Money's good.
Emory, if you don't agree, Drucker's
just going to cancel your insurance.

- You're blackmailing me.
- Not just me. Other people are, too.

You have to do this.
You have to leave here tomorrow.

I'm sorry, but, you know...
Emory, look, dandelions.
Ask for something you know
in your heart you really want.

- Yeah, Bruce?
- A blow job in a Thunderbird.

- I have to leave the hospital.
- What makes you say that?

They want me to take my job back.
I don't want to go.

- Can we do something to help?
- I would help.

Anything that would take me out
of art therapy.

I don't know what anybody
could do for me in this situation.
