Crazy People

You have to do this.
You have to leave here tomorrow.

I'm sorry, but, you know...
Emory, look, dandelions.
Ask for something you know
in your heart you really want.

- Yeah, Bruce?
- A blow job in a Thunderbird.

- I have to leave the hospital.
- What makes you say that?

They want me to take my job back.
I don't want to go.

- Can we do something to help?
- I would help.

Anything that would take me out
of art therapy.

I don't know what anybody
could do for me in this situation.

Then ask for what you want.
Maybe... I want help.
Nobody ever asked us for help before.
Well, I was an ad man, an ad writer.
Now my ads are successful.
They're not going to pay my insurance
unless I start writing again.

We could write ads with you.
This session is taking on
a Little Rascals feel.

- You could send them in and stay.
- I don't think that would work.

It could.
Who here wants to be an ad man?

- Who here wants to be a fire engine?
- Me!

- I know we could do it.
- Do? We'd have to do things?

- Negativo.
- Forget it.

- Hello plus.
- We can't do things.

We're maniacs. Ask around.
