Die Hard 2

Come on! We got you!
Oh! Oh!
Oh, God.
Oh, God! Oh, baby.

I thought I was never going
to see you again.

That's what
I thought about you.

I love you so much.
They told me there were
terrorists at the airport.

Yeah. I heard that, too.
-God, that's beautiful.

Yup, it sure is.
Oh, I love you so much.
Oh, John...
Why does this
keep happening to us?

Let's go home.
-Let's get her out of here!
-Somebody help me!

-Oh, honey, help me up, please.

Hey, officer! Hey, come on!
Come on! Hey, hey!

Hey, hop on in there!
Get your missus in!

What do you say, Marv?
I'll be damned if
I'm going to clean up this mess!

Hey, McClane!
You get this parking ticket
in front of my airport?

-Aw, what the hell.

It's Christmas!
It's Christmas!
