DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp

What a ride.
Yeah. l wouldn't mind doing it again.
Now that l know you can live through it.

At least we're all OK.
Speak for yourself.
l just lost the treasure of the century.

Here, Uncle Scrooge. You can have this
back if it'll make you feel better.

That's all right, dear.
lt took me 40 years to find that treasure

and l plan to get it back,
even if it takes another 40.

Where is everybody?
- They have vanished.
- But how?

With the lamp, you fool.
And you will help me get it back,
or their sting will seem like
a tickle compared with mine.

- Duckburg Daily News on line one, sir.
- For what?

l believe they want to ask
what happened with the treasure.

None of your business.
Whenever l get my mind off the treasure,
the press presses me about it again.

- l have some news to cheer you up.
- What's that?

You've finally received your invitation
to the Archaeological Society ball.

l cannot face those old fossils again.
Every year l tell them
''l'll find Collie Baba's treasure.''

And every year
l come back empty-handed.

But you did have it for a little while.
