Edward Scissorhands

No credit,
no record ofjobs you've held,
no savings,
no personal investments...
No social security number -
you may as well not even exist...

- There is no collateral.
- No, we already have a second on the house.

But don't the testimonials count?
Did you see here the mayor's wife
can't wait to become a client?

We simply can't do it.
Now, get yourself a social security card,
establish credit and buy yourself a car.

You have a decided advantage.
You can get a handicapped placard

and park anywhere you like.
I can't believe it. It's just an outrage.
But don't you worry. This isn't the end of it.
We'll get your money somehow.

- But that's breaking and entering.
- My parents have insurance up the rear.

What'll it cost them?
A little hassle, that's about it.

- We can't.
- This guy'll give us cash for the stuff.

I don't want to.
You don't want us to have our own van where
we can be alone? And a mattress in the back?

Why can't you do it?
Because the room's locked
and we need Edward to get us in.

Can't you take the key when he's sleeping?
The only thing he hangs on to tighter
is his dick.

- Razor Blades'll do anything for you.
- That's not true.

- Oh, no? Why don't you ask him?
- That's not fair.

- So what? There isn't any other way.
- There's gotta be.

Look, I've racked my brain.
Don't you want us to have our own van?
Jim, the lights are on!
Those go on automatically.
They're gone for the weekend, I told you.

In case of burglars.
- You turned off the alarm?
- Yes. Let's go.

I hate this.
Are you sure he doesn't know
this is Jim's house?

- This person stole from you?
- Keep it down!

I told you he stole it, OK? Let's go!
Tell his parents
and they'll make him give it back.

Listen, I already tried that.
Now, you told Kim you'd do this. Let's go.
