
You relax.
You're the dead guy.

Want me to help?
You apologize.

Jesus Christ!
I'm leaving.
Nobody talks to me like that,
you understand?

Now, you better

I'm sorry.
I apologize.
Now, would you
sit down?

He's apologized.
I need you to tell
Molly what I'm saying,

but you have to tell her
word for word.

Yes. He wants me to tell you
what he's saying

word for word.
Molly, you're in danger.
You can't just
blurt it out like that.

And quit moving around,
will you?

You're making me dizzy.
I'll just tell her
in my own way.

Molly, you in danger,

What are you
talking about?

I know the man
who killed me.

He knows
who killed him.

His name's Willy Lopez.
I know where he lives.

He's a Puerto Rican,
Willy Lopez.

He knows
where he lives.

Write it down.
You write it down.
I ain't no
damn secretary.

Just do it!
He's so testy.
What is it you
want me to write?

It's 303 Prospect Place,
apartment 4-D.

303 Prospect Place?
That's my

Molly, he's got
my wallet,

he's got my key,
and he was
in here.

He's got his wallet
and key and was here.

Yesterday after your
walk with Carl,

you talked to Floyd,
took off your clothes--

All right,
all right.

When you came in
after your walk with Carl,

he saw

Go to the police.
It was a setup.

I was murdered.
He says go to the police.
He was murdered.

There's somebody
else involved--

I don't want no more
to do with this.

Where are you going?
I'm leaving, I did everything
I said I'd do.

And don't be
following me.

I'm finished.
I mean it.

Have a nice life.
Have a nice death.
