Green Card

Let him move into my apartment?
I can't believe you're saying this.

Well, don't look so shocked.
Frankly, young lady...

I think you have
your priorities all wrong, you kno...

You married a man you didn't know
in order to get a greenhouse.

That shocked me.
All right, so I'm old-fashioned
when it comes to marriage.

I happen to think that falling in love
has something to do with it.

You don't? Fine.
But if marrying a stranger doesn't
shock you, then letting him move in...

and spend a couple of nights
sleeping on the sofa...

- Well, that shouldn't shock you either.
- Oh, this isn't happening.

They want a second interview on Monday.
This is Friday.

- That gives you the weekend
to get your stories straight.
- Two days?

Well, I don't see why he has to move in.
Why can't he just meet me
here in the park or something?

Because this interview's
going to be in-depth.

They're gonna question you separately.
They're gonna want to know the color
of each other's toothbrush.

Uh, what does he like to eat?
I don't know. Does he snore?

You're gonna have to, uh,
study each other's habits.

- It's like you're cramming for an exam.
- Oh, God!

- Do I have no alternative?
- Sure.

You can confess everything now,
he'll be deported...

you could face charges,
and no more greenhouse.

- It's like living in a police state.
- No, no.

It's called breaking the law.
Now, no matter how trivial
it may have seemed to you at the time...

that's what you've done.
Anyway, I think you should,
uh, introduce Georges
to some of your friends.

- My friends?
- Let him get to know them. Say he's
visiting from Paris or something.

No, I couldn't bear that.
He's such a slob.

- I'll do it without anybody knowing.
- Well, that's up to you.

But listen, get that story straight.
Oh, by Monday evening
this'll all be over...

and we can start planning the divorce.
I can't wait.
