Green Card

- Do I have no alternative?
- Sure.

You can confess everything now,
he'll be deported...

you could face charges,
and no more greenhouse.

- It's like living in a police state.
- No, no.

It's called breaking the law.
Now, no matter how trivial
it may have seemed to you at the time...

that's what you've done.
Anyway, I think you should,
uh, introduce Georges
to some of your friends.

- My friends?
- Let him get to know them. Say he's
visiting from Paris or something.

No, I couldn't bear that.
He's such a slob.

- I'll do it without anybody knowing.
- Well, that's up to you.

But listen, get that story straight.
Oh, by Monday evening
this'll all be over...

and we can start planning the divorce.
I can't wait.
For your pond.
Oh. Right. Thank you.
Wait and I'll show you around.
Not that there's that much to see.

You do know where the bathroom is.
Shoo, shoo, shoo. Come on.
Shoo. Shoo.
