Home Alone

- Peter.
- Come on, Kevin. Out.

Do you guys have a voltage adaptor?
Here's a voltage adapter!
God, you're getting heavy!
Go pack your suitcase.

Pack my suitcase?
- Where's the shampoo?
- I don't live here.

This many people here and no shampoo.
- Are your folks home?
- They don't live here.

- Tracy, did you order the pizza?
- Buzz did.

Excuse me. Are your parents here?
My parents live in Paris.
- Hi!
- Hi!

- Are your parents home?
- Yeah.

- Do they live here?
- No.

Why should they?
All kids, no parents.

Probably a fancy orphanage.
I don't know how to pack a suitcase.
I've never done it once.

- Tough.
- That's what Megan said.

What did I say?
You told him "Tough."
The dope was whining about a suitcase.
What was I supposed to say?

"Congratulations, you're an idiot"?
- I'm not an idiot!
- Really?

You're helpless! We have to do
everything for you.

- She's right, Kev.
- Excuse me, puke-breath. I'm small.

I don't know how to pack.
- I hope you didn't just pack crap.
- Shut up, Linnie.

You know what I should pack?
Buzz told you, cheek-face.
Toilet paper and water.

What are you so worried about?
You know Mom's gonna
pack your stuff, anyway.

You're what the French call
les incompetents.

Bombs away!
P.S. You have to sleep
on the hide-a-bed with Fuller.

If he has something to drink,
he'll wet the bed.

This house is so full of people
it makes me sick!

When I grow up and get married,
I'm living alone!

Did you hear me?
I'm living alone!
I'm living alone!
Who's gonna feed your spider?
He just ate a load of mice guts.
He'll be good for a couple weeks.

Is it true French babes
don't shave their pits?
