Internal Affairs

Thanks to the Buddha, my life was spared
What thousands must die
so that Caesar may become great

Where are you now?
On my way
But I don't believe in destiny
The rule of this game
is to take fate in our own hands

Boss, he is taking the subway
You are the newest in my gang
Keep following him
Your records are the cleanest
You can choose your own future
I wish you guys
every success in the police force
Boss, he has gone to the 24th floor
Bottoms up, officers
Stay put. Don't do anything rash
Boss, we've got him
271 49, you were here 1 0 minutes ago
How many files were on my desk?
I don't know yet
But I know where he is now
Six, sir. Four beige ones on the left
one red and one white on the right
Keep watch over here
What do you think of me?
Sorry, I'm not sure, sir
But I know you're in a hurry today
'coz your socks don't match
So? Any good news?
271 49, you can go now
A shipment will come in next week
Yes, sir
Time and location yet to be confirmed
I still don't know who Sam's mole is
but he seems confident he can blow
my cover

You owe me $500
In that case
