Memphis Belle

Situation normal.
Okay, let's takes this extra time
to double double check everything.

Let's make this our best mission yet.
-Didn't you hear?

There's complete cloud cover over Bremen.
We're not going anywhere.

Set. They were set before
and they're still set.



-Fuel booster pumps.

-Hydraulic pressure.

Fuel transfer valves.
Oxygen supply.
Say, Pop, is it busted?
I don't know what's wrong.
I got one like that at home.
Let me take a look at it.

-You're just nervous.
-I'm not!

It jammed on me last time.
I'm the one who has to sit in it!

I checked it out. It's okay. Take it easy.
-Thanks, Virgin.
-The name's Virgil.

Not to me.
Rascal, I could tell you something.
What could you tell me, Virgin?
You just call me on the intercom
and say you got a little trouble on the tail.

I come back, you give me the gun
for five minutes.

It's against regulations.
Screw the regulations.
If they found out they'd put my hot dog
in a bun and chow down.

No one will know! Just you and I.
I want to get my hands
on that gun just once.

How will I get girls
if I haven't killed a single Nazi?

Please. I'll do anything you say,
just name your price.


Give me your dog.
