The Bonfire of the Vanities

You mean red-handed.
Can't we stop talking
about your wife now...

...and head over to our little hideaway
on 59th Street and just hide away a little?

I think she knows.
Of course she knows. That's not the point.
It isn't?
God, Sherman, you are so sweet.
I could eat you alive if I could get
this goddamn zipper down.

Isn't that the turnoff?
The turnoff to Manhattan?
I can't get over right now.
We'll just exit and get back on.
Exit and get back on.
Where are we?
The Bronx.
What does that mean?
It means we're north of Manhattan.
All I need to do is make a right
and find a street back.

And there it was.
A simple wrong turn.
Anyone could have done it.
A simple phone call...
...a simple wrong turn,
and you're off the track...

...moving towards a destiny
you never imagined.

Where are all the white people?
Are they going to scratch the car?
I'm from the South
and I don't like this very much.
