The Bonfire of the Vanities

All I need to do is make a right
and find a street back.

And there it was.
A simple wrong turn.
Anyone could have done it.
A simple phone call...
...a simple wrong turn,
and you're off the track...

...moving towards a destiny
you never imagined.

Where are all the white people?
Are they going to scratch the car?
I'm from the South
and I don't like this very much.

Excuse me.
Please don't touch the car.
Get us out of here.
I have a red light.
We're having a party!
Get us out of here!
I want my money. I want my money now!
There was no need to panic.
That's what you think.
I have all my luggage with me.
I just don't want to do anything stupid.
If we keep our heads, we'll be fine.

We're in the middle of a war zone...
