The Godfather: Part III

- N-o sã eºuez.
- Bãrbaþii întotdeauna cred asta.

Licenþa în drept este ca ºi cum þi-ai face o asigurare.
- Dupã aia ai sã poþi lucra pentru mine...
- N-o sã lucrez niciodatã pentru tine.

It happens sometimes
when I'm under stress.

Am amintiri urâte.
I understand.
Orice familie are amintiri urâte.
To come to you
on such a delicate matter...

Am sã fiu fiul tãu mereu, dar nu vreau sã am nimic de-a face cu afacerile tale.
Accusations against your Archbishop.
It was difficult for me.

Anthony... terminã dreptul.
The mind suffers
and the body cries out.
That's true.
Would you like to make
your confession?

Ei bine, asta a moºtenit-o de la tine.
"Nu"-ul ãsta.

Your Eminence, I'm...
- M-ai fi putut ajuta sã-l conving.
- Sã-l convingi de ce?

It's been so long. I wouldn't...
I wouldn't know where to...

De ce anume?
κi iroseºte viaþa. κi aruncã mãreþia.
It's been 30 years.
I'd use up too much of your time, I think.
Asta e mãreþia lui?
Acum, cã eºti aºa respectabil, eºti mai periculos decât niciodatã.
I always have time to save souls.
- Well, I'm beyond redemption.
- No, no...

Te preferam când erai doar un mafiot de cartier.
- Putem vorbi serios?
- Bine.

I hear the confessions
of my own priests here.

Tony ºtie cã l-ai ucis pe Fredo.
Sometimes the desire to confess
is overwhelming,

and we must seize the moment.
- De ce ai venit aici?
- Sã-mi protejez fiul.

What is the point of confessing
if I don't repent?

Nu ca sã te vãd cum te deghizeazã biserica.
A fost o ceremonie ruºinoasã.
