The Godfather: Part III

Te venereazã...
...dar au inimile frânte, pentru cã ei cred cã i-ai pãrãsit.
Ei vor sã deþinã o parte din Imobiliare, ca sã fie o familie din nou.
Poate spãla banii lor.
E tu, Vincenzo...
Asta nu pot face.
I know how you feel about Michael,
but you can't save him.

Imobiliare trebuie sã fie curatã.
He's lost.
Think of yourself.
What's your answer, Vincent?
Dar nu sunt mulþumiþi.
Enjoy the opera.
ªi tu?
Nu cer nimic pentru mine, doar pace la anii bãtrâneþii.
It's all taken care of.
Dar trebuie sã mulþumesc lumea din jurul meu.
Check the bar. I'll check the top floor.
Michael, tatãl tãu a fost un om rezonabil.
Învaþã de la el.

"Here's hoping Tony sings better at the
Teatro Massimo than in the shower."

Am învãþat multe de la tata.
"Love, Douglas."
- My darling Constanza!
- Don Altobello.

- This is a great occasion.
- Come, sit down.

Convoacã o adunare, prietene, ca sã nu fie datorii sau pãreri de rãu.
Happy birthday.
You're 80, but don't look more than 60.

O sã facem pace, tu ºi cu mine.
You're the only one who remembered.
We've just got the word. The Pope has
ratified the immobiliare deal. We've won.

Vaticanul a anunþat astãzi...
cã Papa Paul al IV-lea ºi-a anulat binecuvântarea de Duminicã...
Strange how things work.
din motive de sãnãtate.
The Pope is doing what you said
he'd do. He's cleaning house.

Medicul sãu i-a recomandat repaos total la pat...
He should be careful.
It's dangerous to be an honest man.

ºi încetarea tuturor activitãþilor.
I want to put more muscle backstage
with Tony.

Au þinut o conferinþã de presã. Starea Papei este gravã. "Foarte gravã".
