The Rescuers Down Under

It's all
in the timing.

Pull a little bit back,
push a bit forward.

Show him who's
boss, Berno !

Ah, ah-choo !
Aww, I feel like
I got my head in a vice.

Oh !
#Ta-dee-da-da #
- Are we ready, nurse ?
- Ready, doctor.

All right, ladies,
snap to it !

- [ Snap ]
- Ooh, that smarts !

Oh, let me see here.
Forceps !
Forceps !
Oh, no.
What now ?

Spinal streculator.
That's gonna hurt !
Artery router.
Mother !
This is rusted tight.
I wouldn't dream of using it.

Bring me the epidermal
tissue disrupter !

The epidermal what ?
- Oh, no!
- [ Engine ]

Aaah !
Mr. Albatross, we haven't
operated yet !

You gotta
catch me first, doc !

Mr. Albatross, please!
Cowabunga !
Mr. Albatross, we must return you
to the operating room !

You'll never
take me alive !

Please don't do this !
Your spine needs...
