White Palace

Why did you lie to me?
MAX: Have you ever been
to a Jewish wedding?

Not recently.
It wouldn't
have been that easy.

I wanted to save us
a cross-examination.

Oh, bullshit.
You were embarrassed
to take me there, weren't you?

Nora, that's not true.
There's nothing I hate
more than being lied to.

I'd rather have a man
beat me up.

At least then you stand
a chance of defending yourself.

You know, every time
we have a date...

and you show up on time...
I'm so damn grateful,
it's downright sickening.

Because I don't expect you
to show up at all.

But you do.
And every time you do,
I just can't believe it.

And I'm so damn happy

because I'm thinking maybe
you'll stick around a while.

NORA: And I'm believing in you.
Because you told me
the first time that I met you...

that you didn't gobble
and you didn't lie.

I don't give a shit
if you gobble,

but don't you ever lie
to me again.

Because I'll forgive you once,
but I won't forgive you twice.

[Football game
playing on television]

[Knock on door]
[Loud knocking]
Everything all right here?
Yep. Oop.
Oh, jeez.
Don't tell me.
You are... Ray.
