
The viIIagers took pity
and buried him right there.

They pIaced a Iarge
stone on his tomb...

...and put fIowers on it.
It became a custom to put fIowers there.
Not onIy the chiIdren.
AII the viIIagers...
...put fIowers there as they pass...
...though most don't know why.
Is there a ceIebration today?
No, a funeraI.
You find this strange?
A nice, happy funeraI.
It's good...
...to work hard...
...and Iive Iong and then be thanked.
We have no tempIe or priest here.
So aII the viIIagers...
...carry the dead...
...to the cemetery on the hiII.
We don't Iike it
when young aduIts or chiIdren die.

It's hard to ceIebrate such a Ioss.
But fortunateIy...
...the peopIe of this viIIage
Iead a naturaI way of Iife.

So they pass on at a ripe oId age.
The woman we're burying today...
...Iived to be ninety-nine.
