
Well, what do we got here?
A fireman's costume, huh?
[ Coughing ]
Where'd you rent it?

Thanks for coming to
my graduation today, brother.

You're a real
inspiration to me.

l'm sorry, man.
You're really ready to fight
fire this time, huh, Brian?

[ Chuckle ]
lt just doesn't work on you,
little brother.

- l'll see you around.
- Not likely.

You see, that's where
you're wrong already.

l talked to
Chief Fitzgerald.

He decided maybe you shouldn't be
way on the other side of town...

where l'd never
get to see you.

Starting tomorrow,
you're going to be...

with the toughest company
in the city.

17... my company.
One case of Scotch, Brian?
Man, you're gettin' cheap
in your old age.

[ Adcox ]
Get outta here, girls.

You should learn not to box
when the 17's on the job.

Hey, lnspector Rimgale,
she's all yours.

Hey, give me a shot
of that, will ya?
