Barton Fink

to work again?
What would that be?
I don't know.
But with that drink,
you're cutting yourself
off from your gift

and your fellow man
and everything your art is about.
Oh, no, son.
I'm building a levee...
gulp by gulp,
brick by brick...

Putting up a levee
to keep that raging river of manure
from lapping at my door.
Maybe you better, too, Barton,
before you get buried
under his manure.

My honey pretends
to be impatient with me,

but she'll put up with anything.
Not anything, Bill.
Don't test me.
You're lucky she puts up with you
as much as she does.

Maybe to a schoolboy's eyes.
People who know about
the human heart, though,

maybe they'd say,
"Bill over here,

he gives his honey love,
and she pays him back with pity,
the basest coin there is."
Pøestaò, Bille.
"Pryè jsou ty dny,"
"kdy mé srdce bylo mladé a veselé"
"Pryè jsou mí pøátelé"
"z bavlnìných polí"
"Zešli ze svìta"
"do lepší zemì, pokud vím"
"Slyším jejich tiché hlasy"
"Volající starého Joe"
"Už jdu"
"Už jdu"
"Hlava se mi klátí"
"Slyším jejich tiché..."
The truth, my honey, is a tart
that does not bear scrutiny.
Breach my levee at your peril! - prolom mou hráz na vlastní nebezpeèí
"Pryè jsou mí pøátelé
z bavlnìných polí..."
Ten zkurvysyn!
Nechápej mì špatnì.
Je to dobrý spisovatel.

"Zešli ze svìta"
Jsi v poøádku?
"k lepšímu životu, pokud vím"
Audrey, ne...nemùžeš
Och, Bartone.
You can't put up with that.
"Starý Joe"
