Barton Fink

Please, Derek...
"Bare Ruined Choirs:
Triumph of the Common Man.
The star of Bare Ruined Choirs
was nowhere seen
on the stage last night,

though the thespians
acquitted themselves admirably.

The find of the evening
was the author of this drama
about simple folk,

fishmongers, in fact,
whose brute struggle for existence
cannot quite quell their longing
for something higher.

The playwright finds nobility
in the most squalid corners
and poetry in the most callous speech.
A tough new voice
in the American theater has arrived,

and the owner of that voice is named...
Barton Fink."
They'll be wrapping fish in it
in the morning.

I can't start listening to the critics,
and I can't kid myself
about my own work.

A writer writes from his gut.
His gut tells him
what's good and what's...

merely adequate.
I don't pretend to be a critic,
but Lord knows I have a gut,
and my gut tells me it's simply...
And a charming gut it is.
Oh, you dog.
Oh, stop.
I thought you were going to join us.
Jesus, Garland,
you left me alone with those people?

Don't panic.
I'll join you in a minute.
We have to talk a little business.
I've just been on the phone
to Los Angeles.

Barton, Capitol Pictures wants to
put you under contract.

They've offered you $1,000 a week.
I think I can get them
to go as high as 2.

To do what?
What do you do for a living?
I'm not sure anymore.
I guess I try to make a difference.
There's no pressure here
because I respect you,

but a brief tenure in Hollywood
could support you through the writing
of any number of plays.
I don't know, Garland.
My place is here right now.
