Barton Fink

I feel I'm on the brink of success.
I'd say you're already enjoying some.
No. Don't you see?
Not the kind of success
where critics fawn over you

or producers like Derek
make a lot of money.

No. A real success.
The success we've been dreaming about...
the creation of a new living theater
of and about and for the common man.
If I ran off to Hollywood now,
I'd be making money,
going to parties,
meeting the big shots,

but I'd be cutting myself off
from the wellspring of that success,
from the common man.
Oh, I guess I'm spouting off again.
You see Caven's review?
No. What did it say?
Here, take my copy.
You're the toast of Broadway,
and you have an opportunity
to redeem that for a little cash...
Strike that.
A lot of cash.

The common man will still be here
when you get back.

Who knows?
They may even have one or two of them
out in Hollywood.

That's a rationalization, Garland.
Barton, it was a joke.
[Waves Wash Ashore]
