
We have a few wrinkles to iron out,
but my secret plan is going through.

I'm going to New York tomorrow,
so this is hello and goodbye.

I've got some problems in New York.
Charlie's been arrested.
Harry Greenberg, my old friend...

- I think he testified against him.
- Am I supposed to be interested?

What does your friend do,
sticks knives into animals?

He's the guitarist.

You're not actually going
to spend the night with this creep?

What I do with my time and my body
is my business.

I demand satisfaction.
Go back to your countess.
I hope she gives you syphilis.

- I'm asking Esta for a divorce.
- You'd better get to a phone.

- Good luck.
- Virginia...

I was wearing a blue silk shirt?
I don't even own one.

"Brandishing a .45 menacingly".
What an outrageous fabrication.
It wasn't a .45, it was a .38.

I was not brandishing it.
I was concealing it subtly.

What kind of people write this?
I agree with you 100%.
They've got no morals, those people.

What we heard is true. Charlie's in
jaiI because of this stool-pigeon.

You know this Harry Greenberg?
You don't?

I know him.
Mickey, I'm getting a divorce.
That's why I'm making this trip.
