
- Good luck.
- Virginia...

I was wearing a blue silk shirt?
I don't even own one.

"Brandishing a .45 menacingly".
What an outrageous fabrication.
It wasn't a .45, it was a .38.

I was not brandishing it.
I was concealing it subtly.

What kind of people write this?
I agree with you 100%.
They've got no morals, those people.

What we heard is true. Charlie's in
jaiI because of this stool-pigeon.

You know this Harry Greenberg?
You don't?

I know him.
Mickey, I'm getting a divorce.
That's why I'm making this trip.

- Definitely?
- Definitely.

- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Why?

To see a family break up like that.
What's got to be has got to be.

- I know what you're doing.
- Don't come one step closer.

You're writing "Happy Birthday,
Millicent" on my cake.

Get out of here...
Set the table.

- Where are the presents?
- With the potatoes.

Honey, move the thing in the middle.
