City Slickers

Who is that? I know nine people
and they're all here. Excuse me.

- Hi.
- Um, is Mr Phil Berquist here?

Can I get you something to...
Your housekeeper told me
where you were. I'm in trouble.

What are you doing here?
Who's on register nine?

- I don't know what to do.
- Rumaki?

- This isn't the time to talk about this.
- I'm late.

- What?
- I missed my period.

- What?
- I was at work and on my break...

...and I took a home
pregnancy test from aisle 11.

- The ones on special?
- Yes! And it came out blue.

Why is she telling you this... Phil?
Because I'm... I'm her boss...
...and we have a health plan.
Son of a bitch! You screwed
this little girl in my father's store?

- No, no, no!
- It was in his car!

Oh, Jesus!
And I'm not a little girl.
I'm 20.

Get out of this house, you little whore.
Hey! I will not permit you
to talk to her that way.

- I'll tell my father what you did.
- No! Do not call Mr Levine.

- Hey! Put down that phone. Put it down.
- No! No!

- That's my phone!
- You're crazy!

Not having sex for 12 years
will do that to a person!

Come on, just stop it.
Come on, not in front of your friends.

I'm not afraid of you!
- I'll call from the bedroom!
- The bedroom? How would you know where that is?

- I'm calling!
- Go ahead. I'm sure he's home.

It's his night to meet with
the other escaped Nazis.

- I hate you!
- I hate you more.

If hate were people, I'd be China.
Let's bring out the cake.
