Critters 3

Yo, yo, yo.
Check your weapons at the door,

it's the chick
that walks like a man.

Dating outside
our species now, huh?

Oh, very funny.
- Very, very funny.
- I wasn't talking to you, Frank.

Yo, Marcia,
I got a little phone problem.
Maybe you could

come down to the basement
and check out my equipment?

Sorry, Frank,
I left my microscope upstairs.

Ho-ho! Ho!
She's killing me.

Hey, Mario.
I sure am sorry to see
you go, my friend.

I just killed two rats
this morning.

Hey, Frank-- rats.
Hey, don't look at me.
I got to see them
to "e-rat-icate" them.

Yo, Jessie,
look who's home.

- Something's wrong.
- No brakes!

No brakes!
Hold onto Johnny.

- Everybody all right?
- Yeah.

Safe at home.
Oh, man.
I'm sorry, Mario.
No brakes.

Something I can do?
That's okay.
Is everybody okay?
So, Frank, you going
to give us a hand with this?

I'm the maintenance man.
He doesn't live here anymore.

I'll miss you, Jess.
