Dying Young

And the whole goddamn thing
was a lie!

No, Hilary, I believed it too.
I thought that this time
I wouldn't get sick again.

- I thought you could...
- What? That I could what?

Do you have any idea
what it's like for me here?

You know, every day...
every fucking day I wake up
to see if you're still alive.

I watch to see if you eat,
to see if you shit.

And you knew that you were
getting sick again the whole time...

and you didn't tell me.
How was I supposed to know?
Because I'm not a nurse.

I'm not a fucking nurse!
You think I don't feel something
because I'm stupid?

Fuck you,
because I feel something!

I feel everything,
and I can't watch you die!

- Hello.
- M-Mr. Geddes, this is Hilary O'Neil.

- I'm your son's...
- I know exactly who you are, Miss O'Neil.

I must tell you
that if my son is in any danger...

Uh... he is.
That's why I'm calling.
