Madame Bovary

Thank you for your company.
It was a pleasure, a real pleasure.
I'm so bored!
I'm so bored!
When Leon went to the Lion d'Or
to dine...

Mme Bovary trembled on seeing him...
and ordered...
dinner to be served.
Evening all!
M. Homais arrived during dinner.
He'd sit down between them...
and ask about the patients...
while the doctor inquired about
their resources.

Then they discussed the news...
which Homais knew by heart from the

At eight, Justin came for him to shut
up shop.

I think my lad's in love with your maid.
On Sundays, the chemist was host...
with Mme Homais and the children,
Napoleon and Athalie.

Leon never missed a Sunday gathering.
M. Homais played ecarte with Emma.
Leon stood behind her, giving advice.
Then the apothecary and the doctor
played dominoes.

Mme Bovary changed places; Leon sat
beside her.

She'd ask him to read poetry.
Leon recited in a slow voice...
which he carefully lowered in the love

"O, Time, suspend thy flight
"And you, auspicious hours
"Suspend your movement
"Let us savour
"The fast-fading delights of these
oh so happy days."

He's charming! Charming!
He's surely in love!
But with whom?
Who can it be?
