Omohide poro poro

She went out today.
She was angry, though--after all, you did turn down her Ohmiai [ ]
meeting, didn't you?

Considering that you're 27, you're not going to get any better choices
for a husband.

That's all Mother ever talks about.
But you should think about it, you know. You're not so young anymore.
Is that so?
Yes, it is--you can't be a cute little girl forever.
You can be so impulsive--you actually pitched in with the farming last
year, didn't you?

Yeah, harvesting rice! And this year, I'm going to pick benibana [ ].
That's right! Because of your husband's family in the country, I can
have a hometown. I might as well make the most of it!

Oh, cut that out.
You don't get a vacation like this often, so instead of staying at
such an old place, why not go to a nice rental cottage and have a
"delicious life"?

You might be able to meet a nice guy.
Stop, stop! You're trying to trick me again, like you did with the
Pansy Bath at Ohnohya!

Ohnohya..? Oh...ah, that time, huh?
You just talked about that a while ago, too. What a burden your past
must be if you're still holding a grudge like that!

At that time, my sisters wouldn't have been caught dead going to a
place like Atami.

Hey Grandma.
Done yet?
C'mon, let's go to the bath.
Didn't we just go?
But that was only to the Swan Bath.
