
that I'm with some strange woman I've never met...
or I'm living at some place I've never seen before.
See, that's just a momentary glimpse into this other reality...
that was all created back there at the bus station.
You know, shoot. And then, you know...
I could have a dream from that reality into this one...
that, like, this is my dream from that reality.
Of course, that's kind of like that dream I just had on the bus, you know.
The whole cycle type of thing.
Man, shit. I should've stayed at the bus station.
Don't touch her. Need to call the police.
Get an ambulance.
Check that bag for some I.D. You better call the family.
- Don't touch her! - I've gotta get the bag.
Hurry. I'll stay. Hurry.
What in the hell?
- What happened? What's going on? - Accident. Everything's under control.
Well, good. So you don't need me?
- No, I don't think so. - Okay.
Look, can I help you out? Do you need a ride anywhere or anything?
No, I don't think so.
Tell you what. Take my card. Give me a call.
I wish I could stay and help, but I gotta go, really. But call me.
