The Fisher King

Some of this is very funny.
Cheever secured the Donna Summer
song to play over the credits.

I have chills.
You sure they want me?
I won't read it without an offer.

Of course. Not even a question.
When I talked to him, I could smell
how much they want you.

I could smell it over the phone.
I don't have any change.
I'm not opening this window.
A couple of quarters isn't gonna
make any difference anyway.

I hate my cheeks.
Raoul called before,
about dinner.

About dinner as a concept
or about dinner with Raoul?

You're so witty.
I gotta get out of here
and do something.

You know, tomorrow is
a very big day for me.

lt'd be nice if you pretended
to understand.

Fine. I'll say no.
-They're putting me on film tomorrow.

First time in my life
I'll be a voice with a body.

You know what that means?
What this could lead to?

It's a sitcom, Jack.
You're not defining pi.

I'll remember that
the next time you get excited...

:05:35 drawing pubic hair
on Raisin Bran.

You want some?
No, I have to work.
How un-'60s of you.
I was 9 in the '60s.
I used to think...
:05:51 biography
ought to be entitled:

"Jack Lucas:
The Face Behind the Voice."

But now it could be "Jack Lucas:
The Face and the Voice."
