The Fisher King

This is different.
She likes me.

I told you about these people.
They only mate with their own kind.

It's yuppie inbreeding.
That's why they're retarded
and wear the same clothes.

They don't feel love.
They only negotiate love moments.

They're evil, Edwin.
They're repulsed by imperfection,
horrified by the banal...

...everything that
America stands for!

They must be stopped before
it's too late. It's us or them.

Okay, Jack.
All right.
Well, it's been a thrill, as always.
Have a perfect day.

Everyone here at the
Jack Lucas Show says " bye."

This is Jack Lucas.
So long. Arrivederci.

I'll send you a thought today
as I lie in my stretch limo...

...having sex with
the teenager of my choice.

And that thought will be:
"Thank God I'm me."
Some of this is very funny.
Cheever secured the Donna Summer
song to play over the credits.

I have chills.
You sure they want me?
I won't read it without an offer.

Of course. Not even a question.
When I talked to him, I could smell
how much they want you.

I could smell it over the phone.
I don't have any change.
I'm not opening this window.
A couple of quarters isn't gonna
make any difference anyway.

I hate my cheeks.
Raoul called before,
about dinner.

About dinner as a concept
or about dinner with Raoul?
