The Fisher King

Oh, do you have anything with
that comedian? He's on that show.

It's On the Radio. You know the guy.
He says, " Hey, forgive me!"

I get such a kick out of that.
He's so goddamn adorable.

That would be perfect.
Didn't he make a movie?

Ordinary Peepholes.
It's kind of a
big-titty, spread-cheeky kind of thing.

Excuse me, I just want to
borrow him for a minute.

You're gonna love that.
-Frightening woman.
-Are you in a mood today?

If she didn't get something zany...
-...she would've killed us all!
-Are you in an "emotional abyss"?

Will you explain this to me?
I don't understand these moods.

Anne, they're my moods.
You want to understand, have your own.

-I hate desperate people.
-Sweetie, baby, love of my life...

:11:02 hate people.
Look, why don't you take the day off,
go upstairs, put your feet up.

I'll cook tonight.
You seen my orange cup
with the teddy bear?

Grandma used it
for her urine specimen.

I'll kill her!
Here I am...
...I'm dying. The doctors are
dividing up my estate!

I gotta hide my trophy cups in case
Grandma finds herself in a beer hall.

It's funny. What do you want?
It's not funny.
Then why do we watch it?
It makes me feel good
to see how not funny it is.

America doesn't know funny.
It makes it easier not being on TV.

That would just mean
I'm not really talented.

You are a sick fuck,
you know that?

I don't know why you--
-Don't you do that.
-I'm trying to watch!
