What About Bob%3F

You will?
The son of a bitch!
She never says that!
Siggy, I have the whole house to fix,
all the art to hang,
I have no idea what I'm going
to wear on the TV show,

but I've stopped everything in
order to teach you how to dive.

It's as important for me to see you dive...
as it is for me to appear
on Good Morning America.

Oh man! This is really pressure.
Come on, take off your robe.
Why are you always wearing black?
What is it with you and
this death fixation?

Maybe I'm morning from my lost childhood.
Come on, come on... turn around!
Close to the edge, that's it!
Remember what we learned last year.

One, two, three, spring.
Now bend up the knees, bend your
waist, hands out, step on the board.

One, Two, Three...
Summer, fall, time to go dad!
I don't understand...
why won't you dive?
From all the horror in this world,
what difference does it make?

Hi Lily! I'm just calling to
remind you about Leo's surprise party.

Thursday night 7 o'clock. ok?
Well, it'll be after his
interview so he should be relaxed,

oh, wait a minute.
Oh Yes! Of course I'm thrilled Lily,
the last person they interviewed
on vacation was Dr. Ruth.

Here he comes, Thursday night 7
o'clock, don't forget OK? Bye bye

He didn't dive?
Come on sweetheart, he's just
a little bit afraid of it!

Have patience...
No, it's not like I'm making him
jump out of an airplane...

when I was growing up,
I thought diving was fun!

I thought you were born grown up daddy!
