What About Bob%3F

From all the horror in this world,
what difference does it make?

Hi Lily! I'm just calling to
remind you about Leo's surprise party.

Thursday night 7 o'clock. ok?
Well, it'll be after his
interview so he should be relaxed,

oh, wait a minute.
Oh Yes! Of course I'm thrilled Lily,
the last person they interviewed
on vacation was Dr. Ruth.

Here he comes, Thursday night 7
o'clock, don't forget OK? Bye bye

He didn't dive?
Come on sweetheart, he's just
a little bit afraid of it!

Have patience...
No, it's not like I'm making him
jump out of an airplane...

when I was growing up,
I thought diving was fun!

I thought you were born grown up daddy!
Yes, I'd like the number
to the Guttman's coffee...

What are you doing here?
I'm sorry, don't be mad,
the Guttmans brought me
Thank you Mr and Mrs G.!
You're welcome Bobby!
Hello Doctor Marvin!
The house looks good!
Burn in hell Dr Marvin!
Bob, we agreed that I would call you!
Your coming here is
unbelievably inappropriate!

Dad, can I...
Oh, I'm sorry
Hi! You're Anna, aren't you?
I saw your picture, I'm Bob!
Hi Bob!
Nice to meet you, Bob!
Hi! I'm Bob!
I'm Fay.
Oh, Mrs M... you are even...
prettier than your picture...
and younger!
Thank you!
Fay, Anna, would you please excuse us?
I think Bob and I have
something to talk about.
