Xiao ao jiang hu zhi dong fang bu bai

Good gracious!
To make up,
shut up for the next three days.

If you speak...
You will lose your tongue.
Have some wine.
You like wine?
You'll speak up after a few drinks.
Then your tongue
will add body to my wine.

Why don't you drink up?
Show me your tongue.
Try out the good wine.
Your tongue should get used to
the wine before being cut off.

Put your tongue back into the wine.
I'm prepared to die, come on.
Chief, tell Ling that you like him.
Ask him to stay and drink with you.
I've finished my speech.
He wants to lead a secluded life.
But I'm still with the worldly mass.
He can give up, but not l.
A lot has happened
in the Sun Moon Sect lately.

My father has disappeared.
How can a Chief like me
just leave like that?

I smell danger.
Alert everyone!
Sound the alarm.
Go up the roof.
- On guard, everybody.
- Right!

Come in at your own risk.
