Xiao ao jiang hu zhi dong fang bu bai

What's the matter?
A bunch of scouts
are out in the woods.

What should we do?
Don't be afraid,
we haven't done anything.

How do you explain the dead bodies?
What's the explanation?
What should we say?
The soup is hot.
The soup is hot, and we've hot.
What should we do?
They're coming our way.

The scouts want to make contribution.
They'll think that
we've slaughterers.

Let's put on our veil
before we fight our way out.

I'm not fighting.
Are you kidding?
Didn't we decided
not to get involved?

Pack up and slip away in the back.
I know, bring more wine.
Fetch it, quick.
What about the soup?
Take it with us.
- Where is Scum Bag?
- He is washing himself.

What to do?
Such a nuisance, I'll fetch him.
Hurry up.
The smoke means
someone's still inside.

Please decide what to do.
We've been surrounded, Scum Bag.
Let's go.
- My pants!
- Forget them, run for your life.

They coming in,
should we wait for Scum Bag?

We can lie down
and pretend to be dead.

OK, hurry up.
Something's going on outside.
Maybe, there are enemies.
Let two men stay and check
if anyone's still alive.

- Yes sir, you guys follow me.
- Yes sir.

We've checked, they're all dead.
I double-checked.
Iet's go.
