A Few Good Men

That's all. Meet me at the "O"' club.
We'll talk about William's training.

- I'll welcome your suggestions.
- Dismissed.

Matthew, sit down. Please.
- What do you think of Kendrick?
- I don't think my opinion...

I think he's a bit of a weasel.
But he's a very good officer, and
we agree on how to do our job.

Our business is saving Iives.
We have to take that seriously.

I believe that if we transfer a
marine who is not up to the job,

we put lives in danger.
Sit down, Matthew.

We went to the Aoademy together,
served in Vietnam together.

But I've been promoted with
more speed and success than you.

If that causes you tension or
embarrassment, I don't give a shit.

Our business is saving Iives,
Lieutenant Colonel Markinson.

Don't ever question my orders
in front of another officer.

All the paperwork's in order.
Step over there.
