A Few Good Men

We went to the Aoademy together,
served in Vietnam together.

But I've been promoted with
more speed and success than you.

If that causes you tension or
embarrassment, I don't give a shit.

Our business is saving Iives,
Lieutenant Colonel Markinson.

Don't ever question my orders
in front of another officer.

All the paperwork's in order.
Step over there.

- Hal, is this Washington D.C.?
- All right, Iet's move.

I wanted to talk to you
about Dawson and Downey.

- Say again?
- Dawson and Downey.

- The names seem familiar, but...
- Your clients?

The Cuba thing! Oh yeah, right.
I've done something wrong again.
Why are they sitting in jail
while you're hitting a ball?

- We need to practice.
- That wasn't funny.

Would you be insulted
if I recommended another counsel?

- Why?
- I don't think you're up to it.

You don't even know me! It usually
takes people hours to find that out.
