
lt's true that from that moment
l followed her everywhere.

l knew she wasn't happy
with my uncle.

He was jealous, he spied on her.
l caught her twice.
Once, in a field, during winter.

With a farm boy
in red boots.

Then, in the haIIway...
Hurry. lf l stay too long,
he'll come up.

Hey hey hey. Stickel
wrote about a similar case.

Bewusstein un...der SexuaIitat
You don't see
that she can and does like it.

A woman should suffer for a man.
That's what marked you.

He was right.
l thought women had to suffer,
to be victims.

l was afraid,
terribly afraid,
but l was tempted.
My stomach hurt.
l was so tempted... and so afraid.

l'm boring you, huh?
No no no. Not at all, not at all.
On the contrary.

l'll get you a drink.
That's all.
My uncle never touched me.

Anyway, l stayed 'til l was 14.
l wondered what l'd do
if he got me in the cellar.

l'd be afraid,
but l don't think l'd scream,

l don't think l'd struggle.
But he didn't do it.
No, he didn't.
You know, l wanted to ask Thérése
when l saw her in the cellar.
l wanted to say:
show me your wound.
