
It was over before Christmas.
It's not my child.

It'll be out of the way.
I can't do that. I've got Oona to think of.
I must prove my innocence.

I'm all for proving your innocence,
but how?

Go back to them.
I beg you.
Get them to agree to a blood test.
So that night you went to his house...
...did you and Mr. Chaplin
have sexual relations?

Doesn't it look like it?
Never mind what it looks like.
Did you?

She said she did.
Why else agree to a blood test?

The next morning,
he just called a cab.

Paid me off.
He wanted somebody younger.

Didn't he?
Yes, thank you.
It's all over.
The test proved it's not my baby.
Let's just forget all this new-fangled
rubbish about blood-tests.

Put it out of our minds.
His honour has ruled them...

What matters now is the financial
future of this poor child.

It is her future
the State is here to protect.
