
...that John and Bernard are discussing
religion as they sit on the ledge.

You stole her purse
while you were saving her?

What's the big deal?
You pretended you were me.

A moment of weakness, right?
So I swiped her purse.
I got feet of clay too, buddy.

Now she thinks you're blackmailing me?
She don't like me, John.
And she ain't alone.

I guess it's kind
of a personality thing.

Look at those maniacs down there.
They love you, for chrissake.

I can't face those people now.
The looks in their eyes
after their trust.

Great. You make this goddamn mess,
and then you jump. Beautiful.

At the hospital, I've seen you with
those bastards. Pardon my vulgarity.

It was you.
I'm not saying I hate
sick people or anything.

But I hate being around them,
if you know what I mean.

There you go, you inspire
this kid to live.

I probably would have vomited on him.
Allen? Allen's okay?
See what I mean?
You remember his name, for chrissake.

But you're the guy who got
those people out of the plane.

You would've gone in there.
You wouldn't have thought twice.

That's the kind of guy you are.
Trust me on that.

So what do we do?
The blackmail thing
don't sound like a bad idea.

- What do you mean?
- You still got some money.

You didn't spend all the dough, did you?
What are you getting at?
The TV lady thinks I'm blackmailing you
because you swiped her purse.

She thinks I know it, because you sold
it before you heard about the million.

What she don't know is that
I really am going to blackmail you...

...because I swiped her purse,
because it was me on the plane.

- You see what I mean?
- You want me not to jump.

And keep on lying and pay you
to keep your mouth shut?

You are crazy. Why?
Because I don't need your problems.
All this TV bullshit.

These fans. I just want some
of the money, not even all of it.

Here's what I got in mind.
What do you mean?
I want to know everything!
