Noises Off...

- Right, Lloyd?
- Beautifully put.

We're playing Des Moines,
then Pittsburgh,

then God knows where
and we're all feeling, you know?

- Aren't you?
- Sorry?

Garry, you're off.
- Sorry, Lloyd, know?
- I know.

- Thanks, Lloyd.
- So you're off...

Lloyd, let me just say one thing.
I've known many directors,
some geniuses, some bastards,

but I've never met one
who was so totally...I don't know.

Thank you, Garry, I'm very touched.
Now get off the fucking stage.

- And Brooke?
- Yes?

- Are you in?
- In?

- Are you there?
- What?

You're out. OK, I'll call again.
And on we go.
So, there you are,
holding the receiver.

I hold the receiver. I hang it up.
I leave the sardines.

- Always the same story...
- And you take the newspaper.

I take the newspaper.
I leave the sardines.

A weight off your mind,
a load off your stomach.

- And off I go at last.
- Leaving the receiver.

My housekeeper, yes, but...
And noises off. Stage!
This is her afternoon off,
so we've got the place to ourselves.

- Wow!
- I'll just check.

Hello? Anyone at home?
There's no one here.

- What do you think?
- Great! It's all yours?

Just a shack in the woods.
Converted mill, 1 6th century.

- Must have cost a bomb.
- Ideal for business.

Someone's coming at 4.00. Arab. Oil.
I've got to get those files
to Basingstoke by 4.00.

We'll just manage to fit it in...
Do it...

- Right.
- We won't chill the champagne.

- All these doors!
-Just a handful.
