Noises Off...

Study, kitchen
and housekeeper's flat.

Which one's know?
- Oh, through here.
- Fantastic!

Now I've lost the sardines.
- I thought no one was here.
- I'm not. Only it's the Royal...

The race where they wear those hats.
Who are you?

From Squire, Squire,
Hackham and Dudley.

- Which one are you, then?
- I'm Tramplemain.

I thought you were a burglar.
I just dropped in
to go into a few things...

Check some measurements...
Do one or two odd jobs.

Oh, and I've got a prospective tenant.
- What's wrong with this door?
- Her interest is aroused.

That's not the bedroom.
No, that's the downstairs bathroom
and WC.

- The housekeeper, Mrs Crockett.
- Clackett, dear.

- She's not here. It's the Royal.
- It's black and white at home.

Don't worry about us.
We'll just inspect the house.

- Now I've lost the newspaper.
- Sardines!

- Sorry about this.
- That's all right. We don't want the TV.

I forgot the sardines.
Lloyd! These damned sardines!
- We can't go on like this.
- Can't go on like what, Garry?

It's OK for you,
but we work with them, don't we?

- Sorry?
- The sardines?

We're working our asses off
and there are four plates of sardines
in act one.

Poppy! You want something
instead of sardines?

- You want mashed banana?
- We don't want mashed banana.

- We're changing the sardines.
- We're not angry at you, Poppy.

I'm happy with the sardines
if you are, hon.

- I'm happy if you are.
- Garry, what are you saying?
