Of Mice and Men

Look, if me and Lennie work a month
and we don't spend nothin',

we'll have 100 bucks.
And you got 350?

Yeah, and you can have every cent of it.
That'd be 450.
Jesus Christ, l bet we could get it for that.
You two could get her started.
l'd work and make up the rest.

l'm gonna take that goddamn pup.
Sure, sure, sure.
You know what l'm gonna do?

l'll write those two old people
that we'll take it.

Candy will send $100 to hold it?
l sure will. l'll have 30 more dollars
the time you guys is ready to quit.

l get to tend the rabbits.
Tell him, George. Tell him he can't do it.

l'll get to hoe in the garden,
even if l ain't no good at it?

- They got a nice stove there?
- Yeah, yeah. They got a real nice stove!

But l bet that pup will like it there.
We're gonna do it, goddamnit. We can fix
up that little old place and live there.

When we gonna do it?
One month. Right smack in one month.
Now, don't tell nobody about it.
- Just us three and nobody else.
- Don't tell nobody.

George, l ought to have
shot that dog myself.

l should not let no stranger shoot my dog.
- Shut up. l'm tired of...
- l just asked you!

You've been asking me too often
and l'm damn sick of it.

lf you can't look after
your goddamn wife,

what do you expect me
to do about it, huh?

- Lay off me.
- Didn't mean nothing by it.

- l said lay off.
- Just thought you might have seen her.

- Tell her to stay home.
- You keep out of this.

You goddamn punk.
You're yellow as a frog belly.

You may be the best welterweight
in the country,

- but l'll kick your goddamn head in.
What the hell you laughing about?
