Shuang long hui

and won in the race.
The car belongs to my boss.
The engine fell apart.

My winning didn't
even cover the repair cost.

What do you mean then?
This car just had a checkup.
Damn you, you want me to show
this picture to your boss?

Want to blackmail me,
don't even drink of it.

My boss hasn't met her yet
when I went out with her.

Is that right?
But there's no date on the picture.

Tarzan, remember to print some more,
it's on him.

Give one to everybody in the hotel.
O.K., I'll write it down.
My boss's going to Japan.
See how you blackmail me?
I won't let you repair my car anymore.
Don't worry about it today.
It's done!
Take a leak first,

the washroom is very pretty.
Be quick, take the money and run.
I know!
What's the big deal with a big car?
I'm sorry...
Here we are, Mr. Ma!
Is there a washroom in the car?
You're living it up!

Pretend to have taste?
Fooling me? Don't you fool me?
My ass.
Hey kid, you're wrong.
I don't like to play this.

Then when do you like to play?
Tarzan, what are you squatting down for?
You think it's fun?
Still pretending to have taste?

Dare to hit me?!
Damn you, ridiculous.
Mr. Ma, welcome!
This way...
How come it's not a mirror?
It's not 200,000 but 400,000 shares.
