Shuang long hui

Here we are, Mr. Ma!
Is there a washroom in the car?
You're living it up!

Pretend to have taste?
Fooling me? Don't you fool me?
My ass.
Hey kid, you're wrong.
I don't like to play this.

Then when do you like to play?
Tarzan, what are you squatting down for?
You think it's fun?
Still pretending to have taste?

Dare to hit me?!
Damn you, ridiculous.
Mr. Ma, welcome!
This way...
How come it's not a mirror?
It's not 200,000 but 400,000 shares.
Ma Yau! Do you recognize uncle?
Uncle Tong!
Great, we haven't seen each other
for a long time, come over here...

Look, recognize her?
She's Tong Sum, your childhood playmate.
Daughter, come over here to say hello.
This is first encounter.
She's a nurse.
She quits her job to look after you.
I'm not sick.
You're back in Hong Kong for
the first time, very easy to get endemic.

You're an internationally
famous conductor.

If you get sick, you'll have no
interest in everything, and...

Uncle, I'll go to change.
O.K...we'll talk later.
I've got a boyfriend.
I'm finding you a husband, not boyfriend.
What about Rocky?
No, Frankie Lok. I call him Rocky.
Rocky tells people to fight.
Hold this medicine chest.
