Shuang long hui

But, you've made him like this.
I know your driving skill is not bad.
You have to take on this deal now.
Doing what?
Don't ask,

turn on the cellular phone
24 hours a day.

Report at anytime.
Or else, get ready
to collect Tarzan's body.

Let's go!
Emotion, I need feelings!
It's too mechanical
to read the notes and play.

No feelings, no response.
I want you to look at my hand, my face.
My eyes, my feet.
My body language
will give new feelings to the music.
What I need
a fusion of emotion and music.
Tong Sum, where are you? Speak out.
Hey, Rocky, I'm very busy.
Are you with another man?
I don't have another boy friend?
I didn't lie to you.

I'll call you in a few days.
I'm doing some business for my dad.
Tong Sum!
It's him.
She ditched me for this guy?
