Shuang long hui

Emotion, I need feelings!
It's too mechanical
to read the notes and play.

No feelings, no response.
I want you to look at my hand, my face.
My eyes, my feet.
My body language
will give new feelings to the music.
What I need
a fusion of emotion and music.
Tong Sum, where are you? Speak out.
Hey, Rocky, I'm very busy.
Are you with another man?
I don't have another boy friend?
I didn't lie to you.

I'll call you in a few days.
I'm doing some business for my dad.
Tong Sum!
It's him.
She ditched me for this guy?
Dad's business will collapse.
Now you get the feeling right.
Don't use an instrument.
A musical instrument?
Dare to date my girl?
Tarzan treated you well.
Why don't you see him.

Who says women are soft-hearted?
No reaction to my begging at all.
No gas.
You can buy gas anytime,
but can't buy one's trust.
Think of it as visiting a friend,
give him some confidence.

Visit him? I'm afraid he'll sink deeper.
You cure him after he gets well.
Me again? An exorcist?
